
It may have been in Bucharest when we met
or some other city further from enough
where we could still ourselves at dawn 
while the carelessness held over

I spoke of one word and
you became of my mind
the way North

I did not need to know
when I woke up to
the quietness exposed

That you would feed me hope chocolate carryons 
love that lengthened every moment

Even though you were mine
I never wondered why
we had to climb these valleys 
with such distance

Off to strengthen 
where one could meet
you left me a dare to plan 
a hesitance of knowing that through my arrival
you would be what mattered indefinitely 


Only through these heartened lovers
these darkened covers
did you catch my heart on a whim

With another slight of the wind 
I could have carried off
surprising the moon again

You were dreamt on earth that bears carried
the promise of moisture an adornment that
illusionary apprehension that pulls you in

But when attraction swayed
you escaped uncovered
back to the West winds

Where the dust settles we hitch ourselves
Where the clay is red stumbled mud we land

I feel careless when I stroll through your distant lives

Where you grew up free I drew epiphanies from the soil
adding flesh to expand on
nations I knew nothing of

I flew with a starlings instinct
and out of our dream
I settled here, upon clouds instead  



breathen child
believing the flight to my heart exists without, waiting patiently, we recall
blue destined, an obligation, in the light the surface casts, narratives that echo relation

here in heavens length, i recall instead your absence. an expanse of delay an overcast thunderhead
indifference; you are now the horizon.

this shadowing reminds me of our last descent.
you’ll remember what you want.

the shades of breathe gripe in their rivalry - where the heart pretends to find refuge
an escape through hideaways, poised for dusky days when the reflection is memorized in grey

i lead myself in before i cloud his name.

these uncoordinated chords of
irrationality could never seperate the current from this becoming. an existence to anticipate
an extraction of origin or iron - those times i am curious
years that have evolved into my missing reason.

what pursues me is the infinite depth of our shelter.
home obscured into nature - a spirit of backbone - an element one can still recollect
an essence of sensation sight taste smell of sense carrying on
taking me into a point in time where memories have been buried under their own

beginning this widening isn't the creation of us but a branching of the tree

here we find ourselves and doubt our own -
bewilderment at the wonder
our aim in ambition unknown
an objective enlivening of intention

identity will always chase the sea



here i lay down my throat and swallow whole time
i was just wondering if you have any other questions as my soul will brilliantly wrap itself in your song
